Legal information

Who is nevenys?

Our website domain is :


The publication of the website is ensured by the company SASU nevenys with a capital of 1,000 euros, registered with the RCS of Créteil under number 899227185, whose registered office is located at: 

13 rue Lieutenant Heitz

94300 Vincennes



The publication director is: Lola FERRER

Phone number: + or +

Email address:

VAT identification number: FR24892599242


The hosting provider of the website is the company Infomaniak Network SA, with its registered office located at Rue Eugène Marziano 25 1227 Les Acacias (GE), and the phone number: +41 (0)22 820 35 55


Photos copyrights :

Homepage :  Scott Graham, Unsplash


Website developed by HUMAN WEB